Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wrapping up 2009

It has been a whirl wind the last few weeks. I just finished up with my last show of the season and dropped my remaing inventory at our local Christmas Craft Store that will be open through Christmas. It has been my most productive year with Girl Ran Away With the Spoon to date and my head is still spinning. I am excited for the new year to roll out new and exciting products and to perfect the old ones.

I am so blessed to be able to be doing what I love. Yes, it is a LOT of work but it is so worth it. I enjoy every process from design, production, construction, packaging, advertising, marketing, selling, etc... Hoo~thats a lot of hats to wear!

I am going to take the few reaming weeks of this year to really decide what direction I want to go with this business. I would like to expand my line, do better advertising, more shows, and some wholesale. My brain is on over drive trying to keep it all in line. So far I have been able to maintain my "other" jobs with out too much neglect. The graphic design has had a successful year as well and my secretarial job is a good way to settle my mind a bit.

My son is growing and changing before my eyes. He will be 2 years old this coming April and I can't belieive how much he has changed. My husband is a very patient partner when it comes to all my crafting madness and his support means the world to me. I am blessed...

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